How to become instagram influamcer
March 03, 20210 Comments

 How to become instagram influamcer.

Any one can become instagram influamcer ho has +1000 followers he is an micro level influamcer. But for sume more big influancer you must has 10,000+ followers on instagram. 
And you can generate living income frome home by sponsered post on instagram.

If you grow your account frome 0 to 1,000 and more followers on Instagram Thane you have become an influancer. You can grow by using trending and micro hashtages . 

What is instagram influancer ?

Any one ho has above 1000 and 10,000 following on instagram he is instagram influamcer. Sume have lower thae 10,000 following they consider as micro level influamcer. And middel level influancer has above 10,000 following on instagram. Big infuanver has 100,000+ following they c
Have big impact on instagram.

Growing instagram followers from 0 to 10,000 how? 
You have tow ways one organic wheach Avery one using and paid by sponsered post. In organic you use hashtag, quality content, people regular replying and so on. 
Organic methode.
You have maney but maine is quality content, hashtages , and respect following. 

1.quality content. 
Followers want new content Avery time by having up-to-date content and seasonal, events related , sume trending topics of the time. Avery time check the your profile is looking professional your content has an unique pattern example. 

Theas theam page has relate content to toure and traval so they posting right and regards for the nich. More you see the type of post they posting the colour anf maney things ahve same. 

If you has lower following around 1000 Thane go for long taile hashtages like #honeywithcupecake , #scatingonicewithmydog. Use maney long taile hashtages to gat view by people becouse the big hashtag like #cake ,#scating has around million results Thane how you can appear thear thame the big accounts.
 If you have more Thane 10,000 following Thane use the hashtag whech has search volume of 250,000 to sume million results. 
Thes is the best for you. 
Your account is biger you grow it very big Thane you can youse million results hashtag. 

3.responcive to your aoudianc.
Avery social media account shoul responsive to thear aoudiance  they should replying to thear aoudiance as mouch they can. Maney exciting following can makes more shears and gives you more followers. 
Viewer always want content but if you reply to the aoudianc thene an sociological effect is like an big instagram influamcer reply your comment Thane how you feels just like thate. 

Amount influancer earns at Avery stage. 

Small influancer earns from 4,000$ and middle influancer earns $10,000 monthly. And yearly 100,000$+ they earned. Big million followers acoount influancer haved get sponseard post cost around 10,000$+ more. 

Influancer charge for thear posts on thear acoount. By posting related post to any brand ho has doing promotion with them. 

Sume samll sold thear aowen promote thear owen products or the get commission on Avery sake they have with thear discount code frome maney prane. 

Dose bio and profile content shape incrase the following. 
Maney people have wisit the profile befor thinking to following your account how the content is dose they liked theas types of post so if they followed your social profile they see post related what they liked. To make them click on the following icone you have to give them an clear profile wech make them to click.

To make your account looks professional you first crate logo or put an picture thate tells your nich. Fir bio youbcan write what you do aboute your nich on your account pluse use emoges😁 to looks more eye catching. Making an shape of colour or post pictures so sume account have use bright pictures or sume use dark one you use which you liked 

Can I post other Instagram accounts pictures on my profile 
Sume account have thear content for post by thear owen. Clicking pictures making content. And sume post thear oictures on thear account.
By giving them credit for it one way ask them for it it pist it on your profile but write theer account name in the description. Theas way you can use other social profiles post content in your account post.

Using instagram reels growing following 1000+.
Instagram have inroduse the new feature in the update as reels it an short videos of 60 seconds. Theas videos have more reach Thane the videos or igtv and it was very vital on instagram. People's are just scrolling Avery video on the Instagram.
Maney influancers have increase the following through theas feature. Write #short in the titale and description. It gives idea to the algorithm of instsgram thate it an reeks vide and the video was in vertical form. 

Paide vs free promotion for instagram following growth.
Geting following throgh the organic promotion or paide. Both ways are have thear own cost.

Organic promotion.
For doing free promotion you have to contact the influancer through DM and email. Give them an resoon to make collaboration with you. Hiw yiu increase thear ovaroll profit.

Contact them through DM massages and email.
When you contacting them through the DM massage write sume bulet point in first sentence due to thes sentens gone show up in thear massage and it was eye caching. through email the subject is same as the massage sentense and use sume emoges.

Now why they do free promotion you have to give them commission or shear of profit with every sale. 

Paid promotion.
Giving the sume ammount for the pramotion. For the pramotion averagely influancer cgarge frome 40 to 50$ for 100,000 following the amount duble for personal brand page.

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Making  living income frome home by affiliate marketing.
March 03, 20210 Comments

Making  living income frome home by affiliate marketing.

Reffering product to our friend and family and after sale you get sume % of commission on it. It varius from  100$ to even 500$ and so on. 

What is affileate marketing ?

Geting commission on sale of any digital or phesycal product. You can go for it by joing any product affileate program you want to get commission on. The commission are from 5$ to even 590$ and so on. Maney companey has thear affileate program to promote. Sume having prices after seartien numbers  of product seales gifts or even any car you want. 

How to join any affileate program in your nich.

Thear are tow ways to find offers for phesycal product or digital.

1.phasycal products.

Famouse site whear you have can promote any product of the site. By joining the marchend programe of Amazon and create an account by giving your emaile acoount. Wheachaver product you want to promote click on the product and genrate link and you can get an unique affiliate link of your account. Shear the likn to your audience. The % are frome 1% to 10% and so on. or services program or product. 

Finding your nich realated product or services program to promote. Thear are you have Google search for your nich name with affileate program exmple.(your nich name is woodcutting Thane you should type on Google for woodcutting+affileate programs. And go to any affileate programe you like go on the web site and search for affileate program thear you have the website affileate program. Singh up for thate Thane you get an unique affiliate link whnaver any coustomer finish the purchase of the product through your link Thane you get the fixed share of profit on thate in your affileate account. you can reederm the ammount in your acoount on seartaine date of the month. 

revenue can affiliate marketer can make? 

It variuse from the program and the audience size.Sume small affileate marketer makes in an year around $12,000 and big makes $4,90,000. The income is not get monthly but if you makes it passive income Thane it possible without doing anything you get monthly payment for pasive income. 

The affileate program and auodianc areaine factore of revenue. Sume affiliate marketer has big commission on the program $590 Thane if you have sume auodianc still you makes $4,90,000+. And sume has lower bases commission on thate but the aoudianc size is very big of thear so still they makes same revenue from the program. 

Traffic source for affileate program coustomers. 

Thear are two methods one is organic and paide. Orgranic methode is takes time and but lower money other Thane paide wheat you have result faster Thane organic but the price for thate is higher. 

Organic methode platforms. 


Hear you create content like you seeing now on my bolg you have create your owen content related to your affiliate program or product. Creating content by looking to others blog how they write. Make sume unique content.

Videos are winners on YouTube. You can create videos realated to your Product and create viral content use youtube shorts to go vitale. 


On Pinterest the majority of people are women so create sume images realted and likes by women. Thane add your product link in thate. 


It's an quotion answer platform whear maney people ask quotion and answers. Maney times you see that's sume wires you search for you get Quora website gives the as answer that's the way you can give answer about thear qoures pluse solution as your product.

Paide sources.

If you has money to invest in it you can start with it thear are maney plat formed whear frome you can makes an ads nanger account setupe and ads wetar an video it picture wsend it to approval and run it. Justoptimize it day to day to get right targeting intreast wich gives you results.

Each doures of advertisement us different from other example if you going for giigke ads Thane your cost wos high but the result you get are right what are people searching for an quote and you rbad came across them as an solution for it.

Whear as with Facebook or social media ads yiu get less quolitative result just due to majority of aoudiance have to give more value after you make them came across your offers.

Cost arr would be the major oardmt if you are in organic thear kess in paide are High fir average covertion rate is for 5$ and you can accepect kess or more related to your targeting ads budget, size of aoudiance, targeting intrest.

Affileate website vs private program to promote and profits.

Thear are tow parte one is website affileate product or program and second one is private affileate program for softwear , membership site extra.

Having websites for affileate marketing right but as compare toorivate affileate network you get more benifits for example geting prebuild add creatives and email script maneybmore pluse having reciting vommission. Websites are not give all theas facility for thear affileates to promote thear product. Private affileate cares fir thear affileate.

You have to joint it to promote it but thear sume thing you have to make sume private network ask for Judy your info but sume want an website if social media account.

Private affileate give high commission Thane affileate product websites. 

It's up to the product sume have softwear so it not thate bit range from40$ as high for monthly you get. Or if you promote thear affileate product you gets. Big commisstion on it.

Best part if you send an coustomet to thear lower offer if it night next level offer ofter sume experienc we ith the network you still get commission furyher thate.and even they organize an prize for you if you cross the coustomers limmit you have make seartaine numbers of coustomer for them Thane you get your dream car. 

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cost of instagram influancer
October 22, 20200 Comments

 cost of instgram influancer 

.what is instagram influancer
•.cost of instagram influancer

•.how work well instagram influancer theme page or personal brand ?

•.how to chose whech instagram influancer work well. 

● what is instagram influancer ?

 any kinde of page whether it theme page example traval page , fitness page or it may personal brand page any personal model or person. these all cansider as instagram influancer. if it hase above 10k followers on instagram it consider as instagram influancer

whether it has from 10k to 100k and millinone above. it all are influancer due to they influance thear followers by thear content on instagram.

● •cost of instagram influancer

•cost of instgram influancer is 1$ = 1000 followers but theme page is 1$= 10k followers. if the ingagments rate of the influancer is from 1.0 to 2.5 thane it good to work on. 

thear are three type of catgores of instagram influancer account post cost. 
instagram influancer level

mini influancer  = 10k+ followers

midale influancer = 10k to 100k , 500k.

macro influancer = have 1 millione followers.

•cost of instgram influancer is 1$ = 1000 followers but theme page is 1$= 10k followers. if the ingagments rate of the influancer is from 1.0 to 2.5 thane it good to work on.

•time line for instagram influancer line for instagram influancer can do ads on theyar page on story post or feed post. instagram page story post is for 24houres and feed post is for long time.

the results are you get faster from instagram influancer than fab ads.

1. if you start with mini instagram influancer

haveing 10k to 100k followers they can cost you on 1000 followers = 1$ and 10k followers equal to 10$ on any story post or feed post . for theme page 10k folloawers = 1$the rate are differentfor instagram influancer page. instagram story post is 24houres to 12 houres and feed post is to long time.

2. middel level instagram influancer  cost

 the influancer have 10k to 100k , 500k followers. the rates are for middle level influancer example 100k follwers personal brand influancer can cost you from 40$ to 100$. other thane if he is theme page thane it if the page have 300k to 700k followers thane it cost you around from 40$ to 100. cheque the influancer ingagements.

3.macro level instagram influancer cost

macro level influancer have huge following. these type of influancer cost more thane the other. the cost for any story post us for 1millione followers equal to 2500$ to 4500$
they can give you more result. and if it theme page thane it has to have 2 to 3 millione followers.

Theam page vs personal brand page whech one.
Tow types of pages are thear and both are different frome following and the cost for it them page are has huge following Thane personal brand.

Theam page.
It has more following Thane personal brand page. Theas pages are having nich related and the post are same frome many pages to pages.

And it have cost are more lower Thane personal bran influancer page. It have for exmple,for 100,000 following page rang you can accepect 40 to 100$ per post whether it for story post and feed post have more cost it least for more time Thane the story post.

Personal brand page.
Following aoudiance are want to see the real face and maney times the following aoudiance have get influance by the personal influancer Thane theam page.
If an personal brand page recommend any product by using it self you get more influance to buy it from them other Thane the theam page wheach hase same content wheach other whear you see.

That's whay if you want sume result in your campgine you go for personal brand and send them an fheasycl product so they can recommend it.

Wheach influancer work best.
To konw theas you have to look for thear aver aspect wheach you can see and indentify it. 
The variuse fctires can gives idea about it.

Engagement of the influancer.
How nuch the influancer page get lijes and cments in fisrt 24 houres. How maney reach you can get from them did it get seen by thear hole aoudiance. 

Likes and comments on the post.
Habeing huge like it's an singh of thate thes page have huge active following to capitalise.
Wheach content they love to see so making sane ads creative.

Comments have ply big role in it maney pages have comments example,I want the product whear do I get the product if you sow theas type if comments means thear we maney buyers ho has reasmdy to go for any type of product you promoting. 

Analytics ask befor doing promotion.

Ager influancer have deta if thear oage analytics ask them befor doing promotion.

Analytics gives idea aboute how activky the followers viweing that's page post and intaracting with it. And wheach content love by the following so making thate type if ads are very result oriented. 
Time to post on the page analytics or yiu can ask to the page influancer wheach time is best to promote I an week so you gets maximise result frome it.

You can see wheach influancer are right and wrong to go for theas all strategya give result 
 Orented influancer to you for your paid promotion campgain.

instagram influancer working rate

on avery time whenever finding influancer cheque the engaement rate of instagram influancer page. how the followers are engaging or not. 

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instagram influancer marketing works
October 09, 20200 Comments

what is instagram influancer marketing? 

whay instagram influancer marketing workes key factor

how to find instagr influancer?

what is instagram influancer marketing

instagram influancer marking  it means  brans do ads for thear products by collabrating with influancer. it give higher engaments and personal tuch and recomdation to the product by influancer.

by collabrating with sume influancer it work as a ad campgine. the instgram influaner followers are very know like and trust to them.

any account whether it theme page or personal brand if it has above 10k followers it consider as instagram influancer. you can run ads for your product and services on thear pages with story post and feed post. story post for24houres and feed post for long time.
cheque the influancer ingagements.

whay instagram influancer marketing workes key factor

✔ personal influance to followers

✔ konw like and trust

✔ engaing followers engament rate

 ● instagram influancer working factor

if a prsonal brand influancer page have 100k and secon one have 10k followers but the 10k page have higher engaging followers thane the 100k. thane 10k page gives you better result. engagements of instagram influancer page is a key factor to look.

thear you should look for sume factor when chosing a influancer for ads. how the inluancer followers are intracting withe thear post the likes and comments in fierst 24 houers. wich type of instagram page is whether it theme page or personal brand bothe are work different.

for personal brand instgram.

 when you working with personal brand the prosess is to look for the engaement with the comments onthear post in fierst 24 houres or for feed post see sume other images jow the followers commenting about the post. try see sume long comments to get very ingaging instagram followers.

for theme page influancer.
it have maney likes in fierst 24houres of a post. if it hase maney likes it can go viral on instagram.

how to find instgram influancer ?

to find insagram influancer you can simplay type in #with your nich name exple.#beuty thane you get maney influancer related to your niche.

by # strategy you get latest instgram influancer. now  if you have find one influancer and now clikck on the arrow icone and you see maney related influancer.

thies way you get maney influancer to contact

to contact instagram influancer
use to massage the influancer by these type of massage tamplate. these wark weary well to all influancer. to collaborating whith influancer try to massage maney instagram. 100 influancer at a day thane you can get 3 to 5 influancer from thate 100 massages.
thane they comapgine with thear rate of story post and feed post,

Email have the next way to contact influancer.
And it looks professional maney influancer have thear email contact on thear profile to contect them for promotion. 
To get faster reply write sume info hoe you maximize thear profits and use sume emoges to get eye on your email Thane others.

Manger are in place to reply your send email you can get the manager in touch give them info how you maximze thear profits through your campgain. Manger are thats whay are to geived clients and profit for the influancer.

Different ways to an indvidual made business from influancer marketing.
The way you dose business was same example selling digital ,physical , or program to ideal aoudiance and gat profit by selling it at higer cost Thane it is or getiing commission from therd parth websites.

Making own social media account growing.
Other Thane promoting other people's product or offers you can create your own social account. use strategy to grow it make engaging aoudiance and sell your owen product or program to it make consistent and free ads for it by your own account pluse get sponseredship.

Chine of influancer for products.
Create an chaine of influancer with you have experience or just contact new one and start making contact with them. For creating consistent sale for your product or offer is very important for getiing regular sales coming into your business. Avery business want it and you can offer them sume new offers through wheach make them to sell your product more.

How much dose an influancer marketer makes monthly money.
The revenue have different frome each one marketer due to thear skills experience , and thear influancer with they are working with. On average an influancer marketer makes 55,000$ annually. And sum bigger one who's influancer are big at giving resuls for thear offer they makes 100,000$. Big one have partnership with the influancer so thear profits are bigger Thane theas both influancer.

How to crate an SMNA agency as an individual for instagram influancer marketing.
Maney companey want or you can konw them thate they want more sales for thear product or offers sume have doing it and sume companey wich for you can do thear ad campaign for instagram influancer from your own agency. 

SMMA agency get big paycheq to do theas managing the ad compsagin for campanys. They usevaly on average pays from 2,000$ on each campaign and more as much size of the ad campaign. 

To make one as an individual is not thate difficult wheather you can hier freelancer to do the hole work for you and you find clinent who want to run thear ad campaign. They charge for 50$to sume hundred dollers so you get big amounts and make the team from the freelancers and manage more clients at one's and gat more profit and pay sume more to thate freelancers of your team to make more results.

How right are instagram reels for influancer marketing.
Theas feature have just introduce to instagram theas platform have videos of 59 second similer to igtv and videos but smaller time you get more rech frome it but the sales are chan it accept what you want. Maney of people have watching the reels for fun and scrolling it vary fast makeing them stay on your video was vary hard. But making eye catching and offers are vaery right Thane you can get sume clicks but how you market it work was vaery important to get sales.

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