cost of instagram influancer - instagrminfluancer

cost of instagram influancer

 cost of instgram influancer 

.what is instagram influancer
•.cost of instagram influancer

•.how work well instagram influancer theme page or personal brand ?

•.how to chose whech instagram influancer work well. 

● what is instagram influancer ?

 any kinde of page whether it theme page example traval page , fitness page or it may personal brand page any personal model or person. these all cansider as instagram influancer. if it hase above 10k followers on instagram it consider as instagram influancer

whether it has from 10k to 100k and millinone above. it all are influancer due to they influance thear followers by thear content on instagram.

● •cost of instagram influancer

•cost of instgram influancer is 1$ = 1000 followers but theme page is 1$= 10k followers. if the ingagments rate of the influancer is from 1.0 to 2.5 thane it good to work on. 

thear are three type of catgores of instagram influancer account post cost. 
instagram influancer level

mini influancer  = 10k+ followers

midale influancer = 10k to 100k , 500k.

macro influancer = have 1 millione followers.

•cost of instgram influancer is 1$ = 1000 followers but theme page is 1$= 10k followers. if the ingagments rate of the influancer is from 1.0 to 2.5 thane it good to work on.

•time line for instagram influancer line for instagram influancer can do ads on theyar page on story post or feed post. instagram page story post is for 24houres and feed post is for long time.

the results are you get faster from instagram influancer than fab ads.

1. if you start with mini instagram influancer

haveing 10k to 100k followers they can cost you on 1000 followers = 1$ and 10k followers equal to 10$ on any story post or feed post . for theme page 10k folloawers = 1$the rate are differentfor instagram influancer page. instagram story post is 24houres to 12 houres and feed post is to long time.

2. middel level instagram influancer  cost

 the influancer have 10k to 100k , 500k followers. the rates are for middle level influancer example 100k follwers personal brand influancer can cost you from 40$ to 100$. other thane if he is theme page thane it if the page have 300k to 700k followers thane it cost you around from 40$ to 100. cheque the influancer ingagements.

3.macro level instagram influancer cost

macro level influancer have huge following. these type of influancer cost more thane the other. the cost for any story post us for 1millione followers equal to 2500$ to 4500$
they can give you more result. and if it theme page thane it has to have 2 to 3 millione followers.

Theam page vs personal brand page whech one.
Tow types of pages are thear and both are different frome following and the cost for it them page are has huge following Thane personal brand.

Theam page.
It has more following Thane personal brand page. Theas pages are having nich related and the post are same frome many pages to pages.

And it have cost are more lower Thane personal bran influancer page. It have for exmple,for 100,000 following page rang you can accepect 40 to 100$ per post whether it for story post and feed post have more cost it least for more time Thane the story post.

Personal brand page.
Following aoudiance are want to see the real face and maney times the following aoudiance have get influance by the personal influancer Thane theam page.
If an personal brand page recommend any product by using it self you get more influance to buy it from them other Thane the theam page wheach hase same content wheach other whear you see.

That's whay if you want sume result in your campgine you go for personal brand and send them an fheasycl product so they can recommend it.

Wheach influancer work best.
To konw theas you have to look for thear aver aspect wheach you can see and indentify it. 
The variuse fctires can gives idea about it.

Engagement of the influancer.
How nuch the influancer page get lijes and cments in fisrt 24 houres. How maney reach you can get from them did it get seen by thear hole aoudiance. 

Likes and comments on the post.
Habeing huge like it's an singh of thate thes page have huge active following to capitalise.
Wheach content they love to see so making sane ads creative.

Comments have ply big role in it maney pages have comments example,I want the product whear do I get the product if you sow theas type if comments means thear we maney buyers ho has reasmdy to go for any type of product you promoting. 

Analytics ask befor doing promotion.

Ager influancer have deta if thear oage analytics ask them befor doing promotion.

Analytics gives idea aboute how activky the followers viweing that's page post and intaracting with it. And wheach content love by the following so making thate type if ads are very result oriented. 
Time to post on the page analytics or yiu can ask to the page influancer wheach time is best to promote I an week so you gets maximise result frome it.

You can see wheach influancer are right and wrong to go for theas all strategya give result 
 Orented influancer to you for your paid promotion campgain.

instagram influancer working rate

on avery time whenever finding influancer cheque the engaement rate of instagram influancer page. how the followers are engaging or not. 

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