How to find result oriented and real vs fake instagram influsncef to promotion. - instagrminfluancer

How to find result oriented and real vs fake instagram influsncef to promotion.

When aver going for an influancer marketing campgine the pig issue is it should gives result and the marketing cost want lower.

Facebook have save the pixel but in influancer marketing we don't have the option. Do we need to have get result Avery time new and it different from Avery time. That's why thear is an starategy to identify the result oriented pluse real influancer  to look for thate you go for thear likes, comments, engagement rate have to look to any influancer page any resent post first 24 houres results how much did he get likes comments and do on theas factores can determine how often the page can perform.

Thing to look for result oriented influancer begir promotion. 

If the page performes have right in first 24 to 48 houres Thane it can gives you sume result you can accpect. Next point you should look

Factors to determine for geting result orented instahram influancer fort promotion.

Maney factore came between thate is how thear page aoudiance actively viewing thear post how thear angaging with your content ext.

Engaging aoudiance.

Avery time when you post your content on front of your followers how they replying to it they loving it or not. Theas all activity can gives you lookoute thate hue active the following is it so if you dose an promotion how much response you can get from it.

Likes on Avery post.

To determine the intrest of our auodiance how much do they love it you should look Avery resent post 24 houres likes on the post how much they it get.

Comments quality.

On sume post you can see thate the followers ask for the product wheach they see in the post they want it but thear is no any link to buy it. Theas type of comment you should you look in thate it means you konw thate how they are buying.

Ask for analytics.

If you want to do promotion with the influancer asi them aboute thear analytics don't hasitate to ask it for. Look for wheach content perform the well and how much the following are engaging with thear post.

How to identify real vs fake influancer.

Maney influancer have the fake account to gives the likes and comments do identify them look in the all following account wheach type of the accounts are example, the account have one profile picture and no following they are just made buy sume facje peopled to make sume one think rong aboute it.

That's whay if sume one have theas type of account ne think aboute it twice they have get the money and your promotion wasn't worked.

Be safe aboute it and look the account have real following on it and sume real content.

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