Influancer can do sponseard post for free as commission or profit shear based.
On Avery sale the influancer generate they get fixed amount of commission on each product or shear in overall profit. Maney influancer love to do it but they ask for free product before it due to thry can show up the product in action in front of thear aoudiance. So the following aoudiance can have influance by it. And get more sale Thane it shown in and product image.
Sume factors influancer look before doing free promotion.
- How much does it gives commission on average.
- Dose it fit to thear content.
- The productit self.
How much does it gives commission on average.
Primeory moto of any influancer to promote an product is how much they get profit on it. You have to give what they want Plus what you can give them. They average chare frome if it free collaboration Thane 30% to 50% on Avery sale they made.
Sume thimes they want shear in overall profit and you can give them frome 20% to 40%.
Dose it fit to thear content.
After knowing the profits they get in Avery deal they want to know about thate dose it fit to thear content so they can promote by making sume post of using the product in action or just giveng info of any product.
The productit self.
If the product related to thear nich do they liked to promote it for example if your page is around farming nich so any farming products they can promote easily. On thear page.
What ranges followers incstagram account do free collaboration.
Small level influancer ho have 2k to less Thane 100k following so if they have any sponseredship they liked to do it and if you came front of them Thane they go for your offer. Medium level influancer ho has 10k to less Thane 100k following they have thear manger to reply behalf of them. If you convenience them Thane you get the deal.
If you create your advertisement campaign creative Thane you still make same profits from small following. By getting high engaging aoudiance. Other Thane having big but low ingaging aoudiance you have small but high rngaging aoudiance. Any time you introduce any product front of them they would think about it.
Best ways to reach out influancer for free collaboration.
Most used tow ways are DM direct massage or through email. Both wark on thear way DM have faster reply but email looks professional.
Direct massage.
Avery influancer has thes massage option in thear profile of instagram. Frome thear you contact them directly. But to get faster reply from the influancers Thane you should follow theas type of script in your massage starting sentence example write aboute sume ammount 500$ promotion or paide promotion and use theyas type of script.
Middle level influancer have thear manger in place to reply behalf of them. Email have an proftional contacting option it look professional and manager liked get response from them you write sume eye chating profit to them and use sume emoges in it 😁.
Dose free promotion working to get result.
Avery time any Influancer do free promotion Thane they do sume creative with it due to thry get commission on it so if they get more sale Thane thean thear profit well increase. And if you be creative with your ad creative thsne you also get your ideal result.
Bio of profile important to approve through Influancer for free promotion.
Maney times the influancers look to your profile shear frome you approach them. And then they deside thate you are not time wasting of them or fake profiles you are an real and genuinely want to do business.
Upgrading your current profile to an proftional looking profile. Making good logo for your account and an recreating your bio write sume important factor and emoges 😁👍 etc. Are looks professional and upload minimum 9 images to thry wisit your profile and it looks professional.
Big influancer do free promotion.
Yes. On sume times they do it because big brands are approaching them to them and if they post about it on thear account it increase thear following. Also gets higher commission on it. Pluse having experience of the brand promotion. So both ways they liked to do it on commission based or profit shear.
How to Making chaine of influancer to maximize the profits.
After approching maney influancer you create sume relationship with ingluancer about business. If you have any new product to promote you just go and gives to all to promote.
Maney times you have experience and getiing results frome the influancers they trust you and they perform well withe your product.
Other Thane again contcting influancers and replying same prosser it help to go directly and getting results frome it due to you fo partnership with experience influancer.
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